Slamfrø Poetry Slam Aalborgmesterskabet 24

13.06.24 Genre: Events 60,- incl. fee Starting: 18:30 Doors: 18:00 Store sal

Finally, it's time for the Aalborg Championship in Poetry Slam!


The Aalborg Championship 2024 marks the culmination of four months of intense and close qualifications. Throughout the spring, slam poets from Aalborg and the rest of the country have been vying for one of the coveted spots. Ten poets have made it through the needle's eye and won the favor of the audience, meaning you can look forward to an evening of top-notch poetry slam.

Ten poets have qualified, but there's only one who can lift the trophy and be called the Aalborg Champion 2024, and YOU get to help decide who wins. In addition to randomly selected judges from the audience, everyone in the room votes in the final to determine who takes home the trophy.

Come down and join us to close Slamfrø's season with a bang. We promise it's almost impossible not to get carried away.

Entrance fee: 60 DKK - Tickets are also available at the door, but if you want to secure a ticket, remember to buy it in advance. (On sale from April 22nd at 10:00 AM)

Host: Mark Jensen-Skovgaard

Slam Poets:

  • Naniso Tswai
  • Pippaluk Kevser
  • Eva Bach
  • Thomas Thisted
  • Louise Thisgaard
  • Hiwa Van Schayk

The remaining qualifiers will be determined at the final qualification on May 7th. The first and second place winners will advance, and two wildcard spots will be given to the two poets who have performed best throughout all four qualifications.